Happy Vernal (Spring) Equinox! We’re back! While Megan and I have taken a break from our Moon Musings, we are shifting into quarterly check-ins with the natural seasons - Equinoxes and Solstices. As we are in the Northern Hemisphere, we’re looking at the energies and themes of this Spring Equinox, including Aries season, Coronavirus, dynamic balance embracing the dark/shadow with the light, and how to return home to the Self in the most empowered way.

In this episode, we touch on the tenacious cardinal fire sign of Aries, healthy boundaries & mindset for healing, and new beginnings. We share what we’re doing to support ourselves (including connecting with plants, sacred water, & activated our vagus nerves) and our families, and of course we include our favorite resources.


Click here for full show notes: http://www.wildlyrooted.com/fywpodcast/springequinox2020 



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Thank you as every penny counts toward supporting this work! xo



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