“The time for speaking about demons is ripe; in fact, the time is overripe.” ~ Are Thoresen

This might be the most critical conversation we’ve had on the podcast yet… we’re speaking with Are Thoresen, Norwegian anthroposophist, author, veterinarian, acupuncturist and clairvoyant on the topic of demons and healing. His writing reveals his decades-long career in healing as well as his own spiritual experiences, encounters with elementals, and his deep understanding of spiritual streams.

Are’s work has helped me understand so much of what I have experienced personally and professionally, through the Akashic Records, working with clients and throughout my life. It’s part of a larger conversation regarding the spiritual world: That it’s not something outside of us… but rather as spiritual beings, it informs every aspect of our lived experience, especially our health.  

In this potent interview, we talk about Are’s experience being able to see spiritual beings, including elements, nature spirits, and demons - he does a breakdown of the spiritual world and dimensions, including the elemental, etheric and astral worlds, as well as the layer that contains demons.

We discuss how demonic beings are created and humanity’s great burden and destiny in this process. How disease patterns are connected to demons, and created and “translocated” from person to person, especially from adults to children and animals. Are shares the important difference between translocating vs transforming disease and demons, and why most modern forms of medicine only translocate (which according to Are is not enough). 

Are tells us how to truly transform demons, and therefore access real healing, and the power of Christ Consciousness.

Our chat includes practices to assist in expanding one’s intuitive gifts including clairvoyance, advice on best practices for spiritual protection, and Are and I share our own personal experiences with demons and navigating the spiritual realms.

We touch on curses, addictions, genetic disease patterns, karma and so much more.


Find the Complete Show Notes Here => wildlyrooted.com/fywpodcast/arethoresen




Sajah and Whitney Popham, founders of The School of Evolutionary Herbalism, just released an amazing free mini-course outlining some of the core principles behind how to practice herbalism according to methods that have been used for thousands of years in medical traditions from around the world.

The teachings in these videos will give you some incredible insights and perspectives into how you use plants for healing, as well as how you can better be of service to those you help with herbal medicine. Not to mention they created an awesome workbook to help you on your plant path.

Click here to register for their totally free Vitalist Herbalism Mini-Course: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/vitalist 


APPLY FOR WILDLY INTUITIVE PRACTITIONER PATHWAY :: Learn more + apply for the Wildly Intuitive Practitioner Pathway Mentorship & Practitioner Mastermind for your invitation to my FREE PRIVATE TRAINING on “How to Create A Transformative Intuitive Healing Practice You Love” >> wildlyrooted.com/apply 


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In This Episode We Talk About:

Are Thoresen’s work and mission as a lifelong clairvoyant and healing practitioner  What Are calls The Nordic Path of Initiation Are’s experience being able to see spiritual beings, including elements, nature spirits, and demons How he uses pulse diagnostics as a way to connect with the patient spiritually through the etheric forces of the blood (something others can do!) Practices to assist in expanding one’s psychic and intuitive gifts including clairvoyance, including a practice called “fading” Are does a breakdown of the spiritual world and dimensions, including the elemental, etheric and astral worlds, as well as closed layer of elemental world which contains demons Why fear is one of the first experiences when moving through the spiritual world Why Are believes half of so-called “crazy” people are actually exposed and influenced by pathological entities or demons How the Lord of the Rings describes demons perfectly with the concept of Orcs, according to Are How demonic beings are created by humans (including specific acts), perpetuated by our behavior and activities, and their connection to the manifestation of disease  Humanity’s great burden and destiny How disease patterns are created and “translocated” from person to person, especially from a person to more vulnerable children and animals Are’s view on modern quantum frequency and energy healing devices  The important difference between translocating vs transforming disease and demons, why most modern forms of medicine only translocate and how to truly transform  What Are says is truly the only way to treat disease and “transform” it, and the role of forgiveness, love and redemption How to treat with Christ Consciousness (the ultimate healing force) and Are’s description of the Christ force Venessa and Are share personal experiences with demons and navigating the spiritual realms Why Are says we can no longer “send demons away” to the light, earth, etc as so many shamanic practices do On fear and protection and why “love thy enemy” and acceptance is key How many serial killers, psychopaths, etc are under the influence of demonic forces Are’s view on curses, addictions, genetic disease patterns and karma, including examples of how disease patterns manifest and spread through a spiritual lens How mental afflictions like depression are commonly influenced by demonic forces How conversing with your demons can be helpful in the transformation of them Are’s advice on best practices for spiritual protection How working with Christ force, Archangels, and other higher beings can be helpful in transforming demons Why we don’t want to focus on and treat the “problem” but rather the Christ point How Are works with the “Christ point” for all diseases and his description of how to do this The importance of the Trinity in the healing and transformation process Are’s upcoming trainings, including a 3-day teaching in England, and a teaching in Bali in February 2023 - but read his books to stay in touch Why it’s necessary to “Be the medicine” as healing practitioners What is feeding Are’s “wild”


Resources In The Episode:

Rudolf Steiner Edgar Cacye


Books by Are Thoresen:

Spiritual Translocation: The Behavior of Pathological Entities in Illness and Healing and the Relationship Between Human Beings and Animals Demons and Healing: The Reality of the Demonic Threat and the Doppelgänger in the Light of Anthroposophy Travels on the Northern Path of Initiation


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