We’re on another “walkie talkie moon walk” connecting into today’s Capricorn Full Super Moon musing and have a short impromptu Akashic channeling for you.

Today’s full super moon may feel heavy handed alongside Pluto’s potent influence but Capricorn’s resilience as the seagoat will have us traversing big mountains, seas, and conversations with resilience and skill, if we tune into our bones.

I cover influences from Pluto (heavy, transformative) and Mercury (communication), how to utilize this energy and cosmic support for releasing and confronting in the most aligned and healing way. I share a Capricornian physical challenge I’m dealing with on a personal level and how I'm navigating it. We also connect with the tarot archetypes that represent Capricorn and how to work with them this week and beyond. A beautiful time to re-story the dis-ease and re-store the medicine carried in your bones.

From our Akashic Guides:

“Let your song be sung from the depths of your bones… for it is a song unsung that is the greatest of all tragedies.” Tune in for more.

Themes include: Release work, transformation, bone medicine, your song, alignment opportunities, compassionate confrontation. 





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