The Australian workforce has one of the highest rates of casual work in the OECD. And while it's been touted as a flexible solution for families, it isn't working out for everyone. Professor Lyndall Strazdins is a clinical psychologist at the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health at the Australian National University. She breaks down how the labour market is changing, and how the impact of casual work is affecting more people than ever before.

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The Australian workforce has one of the highest rates of casual work in the OECD. And while it's been touted as a flexible solution for families, it isn't working out for everyone. Professor Lyndall Strazdins is a clinical psychologist at the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health at the Australian National University. She breaks down how the labour market is changing, and how the impact of casual work is affecting more people than ever before.

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