Natasha Stewart re-entered the workforce after having her first child feeling hopeful that she was starting a new and exciting career. It wasn't long before she realised that her new industry, and in particular her new place of work, was not compatible with parenthood. After trying to make it work for six months she was called into her employer's office and asked to "leave quietly. And that is the start of her story. Natasha talks about being fired, having PND and making out of it all bigger and better than ever. Natasha's company is called Business Jump.

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Natasha Stewart re-entered the workforce after having her first child feeling hopeful that she was starting a new and exciting career. It wasn't long before she realised that her new industry, and in particular her new place of work, was not compatible with parenthood. After trying to make it work for six months she was called into her employer's office and asked to "leave quietly. And that is the start of her story. Natasha talks about being fired, having PND and making out of it all bigger and better than ever. Natasha's company is called Business Jump.

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