The world has changed a lot since parents today were children. There is more technology, more families have both parents working and there seems to be less time for children to play. Brendon Hyndman is a child development expert and Senior Lecturer in Personal Development, Health & Physical Education at Charles Sturt University. Together with IKEA, he researched how much children are playing today and the ideal amount of time they should be playing. Brendon explains why children aren't playing as much as they could be, and he shares some ways we can integrate more play into their day.

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The world has changed a lot since parents today were children. There is more technology, more families have both parents working and there seems to be less time for children to play. Brendon Hyndman is a child development expert and Senior Lecturer in Personal Development, Health & Physical Education at Charles Sturt University. Together with IKEA, he researched how much children are playing today and the ideal amount of time they should be playing. Brendon explains why children aren't playing as much as they could be, and he shares some ways we can integrate more play into their day.

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