Many people have embraced waste-free shopping, with grocery stores switching plastic bags to reusable bags. But have you thought about other areas of your home? How about bathroom waste. Apparently Australians throw away 356 million plastic bottles a year, just from bathrooms! Erin Rhoads is an Eco-Lifestyle blogger, known as The Rogue Ginger. She explains how you can swap out your bottles, toothbrushes and plastic bath toys for more environmentally-friendly options.

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Many people have embraced waste-free shopping, with grocery stores switching plastic bags to reusable bags. But have you thought about other areas of your home? How about bathroom waste. Apparently Australians throw away 356 million plastic bottles a year, just from bathrooms! Erin Rhoads is an Eco-Lifestyle blogger, known as The Rogue Ginger. She explains how you can swap out your bottles, toothbrushes and plastic bath toys for more environmentally-friendly options.

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