The coronavirus pandemic has not impacted all families equally. Some families will be living as they always have while others will be battening down the hatches as they try to recover from job losses or hours cut. There is still a lot of uncertainty around what will happen come September when the Job Keeper financial support package comes to an end. Melissa Browne is a financial advisor and author of Budgets Don't Work, But This Does. Melissa talks about how we can navigate uncertain times, and what to expect when Job Keeper ends.

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The coronavirus pandemic has not impacted all families equally. Some families will be living as they always have while others will be battening down the hatches as they try to recover from job losses or hours cut. There is still a lot of uncertainty around what will happen come September when the Job Keeper financial support package comes to an end. Melissa Browne is a financial advisor and author of Budgets Don't Work, But This Does. Melissa talks about how we can navigate uncertain times, and what to expect when Job Keeper ends.

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