Mothercraft nurse Chris Minogue returns to Helpline after a month off. When it's difficult to work out why your baby won't settle, feed or listen to your instructions, Chris can give you the tips to make life a little smoother.In this episode of she tackles: A ten-and-a-half-month-old who wakes through the night, whether to toilet train a two-year-old who is not speaking, a 17-month-old who won't sleep through the night, a 22-month-old not listening to instructions, how many bottles a 13-month-old should have, whether to toilet train a 22-month-old-who appears ready to start, how to extend day naps for a seven-month-old, when an eight-month-old is waking super early, a three-and-a-half-year-old who has given up her dummy but won't settle to sleep, a seven-month-old who wakes early and a two-month-old who won't sleep in her bassinet.Helpline

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Mothercraft nurse Chris Minogue returns to Helpline after a month off. When it's difficult to work out why your baby won't settle, feed or listen to your instructions, Chris can give you the tips to make life a little smoother.In this episode of she tackles: A ten-and-a-half-month-old who wakes through the night, whether to toilet train a two-year-old who is not speaking, a 17-month-old who won't sleep through the night, a 22-month-old not listening to instructions, how many bottles a 13-month-old should have, whether to toilet train a 22-month-old-who appears ready to start, how to extend day naps for a seven-month-old, when an eight-month-old is waking super early, a three-and-a-half-year-old who has given up her dummy but won't settle to sleep, a seven-month-old who wakes early and a two-month-old who won't sleep in her bassinet.Helpline

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