I simply love the Chicago Halloween parade. It's a great place to meet everyday people expressing their desires of who they would like to be by dressing up in crazy costumes. From the looks of the crowd people want to be a lot of things on Halloween, but most of all, they want to be fun! We found that just about anything, from lip syncing, to dancing, to interacting with people is a heck of a lot more fun when you dress up in panda suit! You should definitely try it sometime. Marc wanted to teach the "trick or treat" aspect of Halloween to the Asian folks at the parade, so he translated the phrase "You bring shame to your ancestors" into both Chinese and Korean and printed it onto white slips of paper much like fortune cookies. He gave the slips of paper to the Asians and then demanded candy, money or a kiss to take the message back. Did they get it the prank? Some did, some didn't, but do check out some of their funny reactions. Pandas: Fausto Fernós, Marc Felion, Michael Lehet - Camera: G. Rock - Editing: Nathan Adloff - Color & Sound: Fausto Fernós