Welcome to FearlessAF The Podcast!

I'm your host Krystyna Lauren! I am a certified personal trainer and WBFF professional fitness athlete but I'd also like to introduce myself as a self love advocate and mindset mentor who has a burning desire to help women become the best versions of themselves possible. I'm here to help you break the barriers that we unconsciously set up for ourselves. The one's that have gotten in the way (wether we want them to or not) and have kept up from reaching our fullest potential. What I've realized the most over my journey to self love and self acceptance is that in order for us to be our best selves on the outside, we have to do the inner work that goes along with it. With this journey not only did I uncap my true potential, but I also realized that my calling was to help other women do the same.

Life becomes a lot more limitless when you can look at life without a fearful mentality, and I'm so excited to have you here to help you along your journey! Tune in weekly for uplifting and motivational conversations with influential people in my life as well as personal stories to help you gain the strength and confidence you need to live your life with the best mindset possible!