When fate handed me a persistent shoulder impingement, it was Dr. John Beedle's expertise at Torture Gym that came to my rescue, and now he's here to share his treasure trove of knowledge on chiropractic and functional medicine. With a twist of humor and a dose of destiny, Dr. Beedle recounts his own path from the gym to our 69th podcast episode—a number that tickles his fancy—in a conversation that's one part comedy, one part clinic. We navigate through aging's oddities and dive into the critical role of educating patients on self-treatment, which Dr. Beedle champions with a passion.

Our chat with Dr. Beedle takes an unexpected turn as we tackle the limitations of the insurance-driven models in healthcare, exploring how his cash rate model enables more individualized patient care. Peeling back the layers of healthcare bureaucracy, we discuss the merits of thorough lab work, the importance of addressing every patient question, and the necessity for proper referrals—all in an effort to challenge the traditional mold of chiropractic business. Dr. Beedle's stories highlight the resilience needed to make life-altering health decisions, and how resistance to lifestyle changes is often the biggest hurdle in the journey towards well-being.

We wrap up the episode with insights on the psychological components of patient care, especially how mental health and self-advocacy shape one's approach to treatment. Dr. Beedle also delves into the dynamics of professional networking and authenticity in Las Vegas, a city where the glitter often belies the grit. His candid perspective on building a personal brand, while navigating a world skewed by online facades, leaves listeners with a fresh understanding of the delicate balance between personal and professional life as a healthcare practitioner. Join us for a session filled with laughs, revelations, and empowering discussions that will leave you 69% more informed and infinitely more entertained.

--------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------

(0:00:18) - Destiny in Chiropractic and Fitness
(0:05:36) - Functional Medicine and Chiropractic Practice
(0:16:25) - Navigating Change and Health Decisions
(0:21:09) - Challenges and Growth in Patient Care
(0:24:28) - Professional Networking and Mental Health