Edited highlights of our full length conversation.

Are you aiming high enough?

This episode is the fourth in a series of conversations that I'm having in partnership with the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity. For the weeks leading up to Cannes, we're focusing on a study of leadership through a single lens. The impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Creative Industries.

Are we moving fast enough? Are we going far enough? Is this an opportunity to fundamentally redesign the creative industries? Or should we adjust and iterate slowly and carefully? Do we follow the puck or skate to where it's going? There are opportunities and risks around every corner.

Yasu Sasaki is the Global Chief Creative Officer of Dentsu. His company has a presence in over 145 countries and regions, and they've been working with artificial intelligence, in one form or another, since 2011.

One of the main questions facing the creative industries is which companies will see AI as an opportunity to stretch the boundaries of human creativity. To recognize that the limitations in our creativity are no longer practical, financial, or time-based, but are, in fact, our own confidence in our capacity to think originally.

We can also use this opportunity to create greater efficiency, a worthy ambition in a world in which resources are scarce and a life in which the time available to us is finite.

In theory and in practice, we can both raise the bar and lower cost.

But we must be careful how we do it.

At the end of the series, I'll offer some thoughts on what we've heard and learned and where we might go from here.

In the meantime, thanks for joining us.