Spontaneity is the spice of life. This episode was recorded live on the Fearless Freedom with Dr. G Facekbook page. How did introspection and personal development lead to starting the podcast? Listen to hear the story.

F in fear can represent facilitating recognition of fear. 

In facing my fear of public speaking, the podcast was just the beginning. So many doors open up when you put yourself out there and dare to do something scary. When you step outside of the zone of comfort, tremendous growth happens. 

Sweaty palms, ridiculous rainstorms, and negative mental audiograms on instant replay can be converted to fuel for bossing up. 

You asked for it. I am stepping out of my comfort zone to provide it for you. I launched the new done-for-you podcasting service last week! If you missed the masterclass, check it out at thepodcastinabox.com


Celebrating milestones!!!!! Thank you for all of your support, Fearless Freedom Tribe!!! We have hit and have now surpassed the 10,000 unique downloads!!!


Are you looking to get your voice heard by your tribe? Are you sitting on the fear fence, not knowing where to start in getting your podcast up and running?

If this is you, then go to thepodcastinabox.com and REGISTER NOW for my FREE podcasting masterclass. 

Done-For-You Podcasting services for busy professionals like you who want to get their podcasts started and maintained. 


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