In this issue… Porter and Joshua to discuss Porter’s current state of being – that being out of touch with his special abilities. But Joshua’s got a few other things on his mind, particularly the looming showdown with the two-faced woman. Perhaps a night with some mild, and I’m sure, harmless entertainment will set both … Continue reading The Adventures of Young & Holt – Issue 62 “Six Round Cylinder”

In this issue… Porter and Joshua to discuss Porter’s current state of being – that being out of touch with his special abilities. But Joshua’s got a few other things on his mind, particularly the looming showdown with the two-faced woman. Perhaps a night with some mild, and I’m sure, harmless entertainment will set both their minds at ease.

The sun is beginning to set, so we’d best see where they’re at…

Well, I guess we know where’s he’s at, so we best get there with him…

Music from this issue
Half Deaf Clatch – “Something Sinister”
Half Deaf Clatch – “”
Half Deaf Clatch – “El Calor Abrasador Del Día”
Half Deaf Clatch – “”
Half Deaf Clatch – “”
Marcus Eads – “Boundary Layers”
Half Deaf Clatch – “Roll Up! Roll Up!”
Half Deaf Clatch – “The Nefarious Show”
Danheim – “Ivar’s Wrath”
Danheim – “Vali”
Beelzebub Jones – “The Blood Red River”
Plate Mail Games – “Market Day”

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