In this issue… with the matter of Samuel Reddington settled for now, Young & Holt return to Denver to take care of a few odds and ends before moving on to the next, and possibly last item on their list in the Mile High City – a showdown with the Two Faced Woman. Oh yeah, … Continue reading The Adventures of Young & Holt – Issue 60 “Aftermath”

In this issue… with the matter of Samuel Reddington settled for now, Young & Holt return to Denver to take care of a few odds and ends before moving on to the next, and possibly last item on their list in the Mile High City – a showdown with the Two Faced Woman. Oh yeah, and Porter has to go have a face to face with Jasmine.

Well, there’s plenty of work to be done, so let’s see where their at…

Music from this issue
Half Deaf Clatch – “Something Sinister”
Marcus Eads – “Woke Up This Morning With My Mind Stayed on Jesus”
Marcus Eads – “Sugarbush Blues”
Marcus Eads – “Elk River Blues”
Marcus Eads – “Cut Bank Blues”
Eagle Stone Collective – “Les Rives Du Néant”
Eagle Stone Collective – “#B Side (Uncle Jim)”

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