In this issue… Young & Holt gather together everything and everyone they need to before heading out to stop Reddington. But before they do that, they need to find All Seasons Valley. A task, not easily done. But one that needs to be done quickly. We’re burning daylight, so we’d best get on with where … Continue reading The Adventures of Young & Holt – Issue 55 “The Guide”

In this issue… Young & Holt gather together everything and everyone they need to before heading out to stop Reddington. But before they do that, they need to find All Seasons Valley. A task, not easily done. But one that needs to be done quickly.

We’re burning daylight, so we’d best get on with where they’re at…

Music from this issue
Half Deaf Clatch – “Something Sinister”
Half Deaf Clatch – “”
Eagle Stone Collective – “Wash Pond Flats”
Half Deaf Clatch – “”
Beelzebub Jones – “The Blood Red River”
Eagle Stone Collective – “No Breath No Seasons”
Half Deaf Clatch – “Ante Peligros Incalculables, Huimos Del Desierto Eléctrico Para Siempre”
PlateMail Games – “Deadlands Audio Collection: Climbing Mountains”

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