In this issue… Young & Holt make arrangements for a guide to take them to all Seasons Valley to stop Samuel Reddington. But they also need to visit a man of letters – Professor Zig Waller – who might be able to offer a bit more insight as to what they’re about to face. The … Continue reading The Adventures of Young & Holt – Issue 54: “The Professor”

In this issue… Young & Holt make arrangements for a guide to take them to all Seasons Valley to stop Samuel Reddington. But they also need to visit a man of letters – Professor Zig Waller – who might be able to offer a bit more insight as to what they’re about to face.

The boys are on the move, so we’d best be too, so let’s see where they’re at…

Music from this issue
Half Deaf Clatch – “Something Sinister”
Marcus Eads – “Coffee Boiler”
Eagle Stone Collective – “Bigtooth Ridge”
Eagle Stone Collective – “Music For Barren Days #05”
Marcus Eads – “Brushy Fork of John’s Creek”
Eagle Stone Collective – “Buffalo”
Eagle Stone Collective – “Middle Sun”
Eagle Stone Collective – “No Breath No Seasons”
Half Deaf Clatch – “Ante Peligros Incalculables, Huimos Del Desierto Eléctrico Para Siempre”
PlateMail Games – “London – 1860s”
PlateMail Games – “Deadlands Audio Collection: Train Station”

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One more thing. See we got a contest going on. If there’s one thing every good cowboy needs, aside from their trusty smokewagon, it’s a pair of dice. We’re giving away a beautiful set from our compadres at Norse Foundry. Simply leave a review for either this podcast or ‘Gunn for Hire.’ We’d like 5 stars but times are tough, so as many stars as you can spare. If for some reason your podcatcher doesn’t allow reviews, then check out this tweet and retweet to all your adoring followers. And remember, if you do leave a review, you gotta search for ‘Fear the Boot Actual Play.’

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