In this issue… Young & Holt are upping the ante against Reddington and his plans in Denver, taking a keen interest in a barn outside of town. With Joshua set up to cover, Porter is about to make a leap into the dark. So, if he can see, we should find out where’s he’s at… … Continue reading The Adventures of Young & Holt – Issue 52

In this issue… Young & Holt are upping the ante against Reddington and his plans in Denver, taking a keen interest in a barn outside of town. With Joshua set up to cover, Porter is about to make a leap into the dark.

So, if he can see, we should find out where’s he’s at…

Music from this issue
Half Deaf Clatch – “Something Sinister”
Ivonne Van Cleef – “Cabezogancho”
Eagle Stone Collective – “Ride the Night”
Eagle Stone Collective – “Rio Tinto”
Eagle Stone Collective – “Thanatos Theme (The Loss)”
Eagle Stone Collective – “The Fire”
Eagle Stone Collective – “Phoebe Ann Moses”
Eagle Stone Collective – “Snakes In My Veins”
Eagle Stone Collective – “The First Corpse”
Eagle Stone Collective – “Music For Barren Days #02”

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