In this issue… well, I suppose you’ve been a might curious as to what is happening with Porter Holt. Well, no more need to wait, though I reckon there will be questions when we get to the end of this issue. No sense in going on about it. It’s time to see where he’s at… … Continue reading The Adventures of Young & Holt – Issue 37

“The Call” by Steven Felicetti

In this issue… well, I suppose
you’ve been a might curious as to what is happening with Porter
Holt. Well, no more need to wait, though I reckon there will be
questions when we get to the end of this issue.

No sense in going on about it. It’s time to see where he’s at…

Music from this issue
Beelzebub Jones – “Welcome to the Forsaken Territory”
Beelzebub Jones – “Working for the Devil”
Eagle Stone Collective – “Gunfight & Mezcal”

Some Sound FX from Platemail Games

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