Stephanie is a launch copywriter who helps service-based businesses showcase their personality and unique brand voice, so they can confidently sell their products and services online. Her passion is helping women find their voice and create successful launches that increase their income and impact on others. She’s helped hundreds of clients do this by creating personality-infused websites, landing pages, and emails. Stephanie lives in North Carolina with her husband, 2 children, and over-sized lap dog, Ellie. When she’s not helping her clients create successful launches, she can be found reading a book, watching Netflix, or enjoying a delicious taco!
This episode gives our entrepreneurial listeners tips can be used for writing landing pages, emails, or any other material comprised of a launch or selling online. Stephanie explains the importance of professional copywriting for new businesses and we understand how a few examples of this can increase conversions. Listen in as we gather some tip, like:

Knowing your audience to write better copy
Write about them, not you
Selling with benefits instead of features
Keep your copy simple and concise
Be clear versus clever
Write like you speak - conversational copywriting
Make calls to action easy to see and uncomplicated

Want to contact Stephanie? You can find out more about her copywriting services on her website. What’s more, make sure your next launch is on the path to success. Download your free sales funnel checklist from Stephanie!

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