Patricia Love, also known as the "RahRah Coach", is a motivational and accountability coach.  Her main drive in her work is to flip women's mindset from "I can't" into "I can". She thrives on helping women to break through those mental blocks that sabotage their pocketbooks, and to strive for the life that they've always deserved.  She has coached top realtors, CEO's, and entrepreneurs over the last 27 years, doubling and tripling their incomes, while also creating more balance and fun in their lives.  

On today’s episode, we discuss how much words really do matter, and how what you say to yourself can truly deflate or elevate your life.  There is a true power in positivity, and Patricia is a true testament to how the way we think and speak can not only affect our mood, but also our overall success.  Today is all about maintaining a money mindset, being kind to ourselves, and really reaching for our full potential and capabilities. So friends, I want you all to ask yourselves; How is your mindset holding you back from achieving everything you're capable of? 

Want to get in contact with Patricia? Please reach out and contact her via her Website, Facebook, and Instagram!!

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