Episode 31- Getting the Most Out of Your Events


This week we’re talking about events! Most of us love to rub shoulders with others in our field who have the same work passions. Today we discuss some quick tips to make sure that we’re getting the most for our ticket money.


We can start by making sure that we are planning early in the year to avoid impulse buys. Being intentional with your schedule is a must! Speaking of being intentional, how do you know which events to book? Well, if you have a national customer base, national events make sense. If your clients are local only, it might be best to look at events within your geographical region.


Knowing your goals and what you need to get from an event is also key. It will help you choose your sessions and listen with laser focus.  When you’re on-site, make sure you’re clear on:


Leave with a plan Go to the right classes – do you need basics? do you need refreshers or accelerators? Is this a new skill? Ask questions in each session, 1 per class Sit in the front Challenge yourself to make 1 new contact


What about after the event? What’s the follow up? Think about how you can follow up with any important presenters that you may to keep contact with. Send a thank you email. Look for face time opportunities after the session. And, what about a debrief? Schedule some time to unpack everything that you’ve learned to make a solid plan for any new ideas and implementation. In order to get the most bang for your buck, you need to have a clear plan for delegation and accountability the minute you get back to work.

To get in touch with our generous guest, follow her links at:



Our links are below, friends. Drop me a line and tell me about your favorite industry events!


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