Just a warning, friends- this episode contains explicit language and sexual content that may not be safe for work.

This week we have our first duo interview! I have to say, Florence and Reed from Come Curious YouTube channel and the F**ks Given podcast were a major score for me on my Dream Guest list. I owe them a HUGE one for agreeing to come on this podcast. They were so generous with their time and spared nothing on divulging information.

Florence and Reed (or, Reed and Florence) are massive hustlers from the London area. They are groundbreaking sex educators in the UK and are working hard to create a new space in the sexual health and education industry. I found them one day when I was doing some research on British podcasts and let me tell you…I BINGED on their episodes. Once I really discovered what their mission was and saw how they were affecting their followers around the globe, I knew I wanted to get their business story.

Because we know that everyone is a business, as I was listening to their podcasts, I always wondered about the behind the scenes production. Do they have management? How do their partners feel about their work? Do they get along all the time? Are they monetizing? What re their dream projects? Do they have a community of others working in the same niche over there? Lucky for us, they obliged all of my juicy questions and here we are.

I can’t say enough how impressed I am with their ability to convey relatable stories that break down barriers and help shed stigmas. I love that they give glimpses into the lives of people who are brave enough to let the world in on things like living with common STDs, talking about how uncomfortable they were or are with their body, stories of awkward first times and general sex and health tips. Their work normalizes common bodily functions, bust myths, and encourages other key players in the sex-ed field to keep producing important work. I will warn you though, I’m giving you a PG summary. This is not a podcast I’d sit and listen to with my grandma. I mean, only because my grandma is not that progressive (but if yours is, that’s amazing).

I want to give a huge thank you once again to Florence and Reed for being willing to pull back the curtains on their channels. Please go follow them on their channels and support sexual education and positivity that makes such a difference to so many across the nation and the globe.

Check out Florence and Reed’s LinkTree at:
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