Episode 24-  Women in Finance & Accounting Global with Mina Fung


Mina Fung is a former corporate leader turned entrepreneur and now founder of Pull Impact and co-founder of WIFA Global. She is the podcast host of 10X Vision. Her goal is to inspire others to seek change and take action to create a life worth living and build a business worth growing.


Don’t be fooled by the title- we’re not talking numbers and taxes. Mina takes us through her young adulthood and describes what it was like to grow up under parental expectations that just didn’t match her own ideas of her life.  Although she was successful, she describes herself as a “misfit” in the corporate world.  Ironically, her father was a small business owner himself. Though he wanted her to take a different approach to life, she found she was destined to follow his footsteps in the entrepreneurial world.    


Our conversation outlines the life lessons she has learned as she transitioned from the corporate world to a creative space. Her vulnerability and honesty is priceless, guys.  Listen as she tells us about:


How she “handicapped” herself with the wealth she accumulated in her corporate role Her first failed businesses Rookie business mistakes to avoid Her pitching experience and raising funds What makes this lifestyle full of risks worth it for her


Make sure you download this episode and then share it. The most golden moment comes at the end when she talks about her best piece of advice for newbies. I’m not even going to share it in the notes because you NEED to listen for it and absorb all the valuable information around it!  This is one you’ll need to grab a note book for and practice your notetaking skills.  I can’t wait to watch Mina blow it up with Women in Finance and Accounting Global and inspire the heck out of you on her podcast, 10x Vision.  What a fresh and friendly, guest. This is a goodie, guys!


Contact Mina at:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wifaglobal/ Podcast: https://www.pullimpact.com/podcast Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/minafung/

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