Episode 15 is live! We’re back in action after a brief break from podcasting world (colds and flus and germs, oh my!). Today we break down some business development routes. There is SO much to choose from out there and it can be hard to know what you really need when you’re launching a business. This episode breaks down the online business world into 4 buckets:

Business Coaching

You should come way knowing when to pay someone and when to tell someone to kick rocks. We want you to invest in yourself at the right time and in the right places and also know that YES, education is very necessary when venturing into a new field. And lastly, friends- get a therapist, FR. Mental health stigma is so early 2000s. It’s a new day and we all need a little tune up from time to time!

In the last half of today’s podcast, I also break down a new business I’ve launch, OutLift Singlets. I outline all of the steps I took when forming my initial idea, validating, creating the actual products and making vendor connections. Sometimes we can create these stories about other people that can make us feel like we aren’t working fast enough, not creating well enough, our ideas aren’t good enough, or whatever other lies we tell ourselves. Listen to my slow and steady case study about OutLift where I walk you through my resource procurement and what I’m doing in soft launch versus what will happen in the hard launch. Perhaps most importantly, I let you in on the ONE concept that has my full attention right now!

Thank you for making it fun to share free launch and business information here! Please take a moment out to find us and connect on one of our social channels. Now, go get it out there, guys!

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