Detective Ev has been spending some time in the FDN Trainee group, and he noticed a few common concerns coming up! He's occasionally seen things like:

"I just don't think I can finish in time!"


"I am really having trouble in this module. I don't understand it! Maybe I'm not cut out for this work."

The good news is that these are ABSOULTELY not things to worry about, but it's understandably hard to realize that when you're actively going through the course.

So, in today's episode of the podcast, Detective Ev is discussing both questions listed above. Specifically, he's talking about WHY you don't need to worry, as well as the resources we provide to you as FDNs in training to help you get through the course.

Finally, he goes into the top 5 (practical) reasons FDN is TOTALLY worth it despite being a tougher course.

We hope you enjoy this episode!

Have you been thinking about becoming an FDN, but not sure where to start? Did you know you can start the course for free? Go to to start for free now! No credit card is required.