Ian calls himself a sound alchemist; however, his personal story is Joe Dispenza-level fascinating. In 2011, he was diagnosed with colon cancer and MS. Ian's cancer was advanced, but because he didn't have insurance as a musician, he didn't seek the treatments or see the specialists that doctors referred him to. The medical debt became too much that he had to accept death or dive into holistic healing.


Along his journey, Ian discovered The Healing Power of Sound, which naturally intrigued him as a musician, and he began working with frequencies alongside deep meditation and mindfulness. Breathwork, meditation and sound healing were the gateways to helping him shift his mindset which in turn gave him the strength to change his eating and sleeping habits. It was the combination of diet, proper sleep and the holistic modalities that facilitated his healing. Overtime, he successfully reversed both diagnoses. This is what inspired him to begin Listening to Smile

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