Our guest today, Jenn Cino, is a perfect example of who the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Couse is for!

Having a family history of autoimmune disorders (mom was diagnosed with MS, dad with scleroderma), Jenn knows all too well how real the suffering of those with chronic health issues is. At a young age, Jenn would also find herself dealing with chronic symptoms, and she eventually received a diagnosis of Hashimoto's thyroiditis. 

Jenn wasn't just going to throw in the towel on her health, though. She began studying more alternative methods, and found a few things that got the needle moving in the right direction. As you may have already guessed, this led to her finding FDN, and Jenn's health and business completely transformed once she went through the course!

More about Jenn:

Jenn Cino is an FDN-P, Certified Personal Trainer, and the creator of fit + functional, a program dedicated to helping women find the underlying root cause of their health issues. She has been featured in publications such as Byrdie and Sunday Riley and has written for Forbes on the benefits of cycle-syncing your business. Through her own journey of health and healing, Jenn has been able to work 1-to-1 with over 300 women worldwide since 2020.

Where to find Jenn:



Considering becoming a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner? Head to FDNtraining.com/tryfdn to try the course for free!