Although we love bringing you as many stories from our certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioners as possible, our number one goal is always to provide you with as much value as possible. Since our listening audience is predominantly women, we wanted to bring on a special guest today, Alyce Adams (AKA the “Kegel Queen”)! 

In this episode, Alyce Adams, RN sheds light on a topic that is too often stigmatized. Detective Ev was not only shocked to learn about how many women deal with vaginal prolapse and urinary incotinence, but how many women (potentially needlessly) get SURGERY for these issues, not ever being told about alternative options.

Even if the issues discussed today don’t affect you directly, you certainly have a friend (or several) who ARE impacted. By listening, you just may be the difference between them getting surgery vs. finding natural solutions. We hope you enjoy the interview!

About Alyce:

Alyce Adams, RN is the Kegel Queen. Since founding in 2009, she’s known as the most sought-after kegel exercise expert around the world, helping women who suffer with vaginal prolapse or urinary incontinence to avoid dangerous surgery and regain health and control of their body “down there.” She is famous for creating the Kegel Success in Minutes a Day Program, the only complete, no-devices, safe-at-home kegel exercise program created and tested by an RN. The Kegel Queen Program has reached over 3,011 women in 27 countries.

Alyce has shared her kegel expertise as a guest blogger for the American College of Nurse-Midwives and a guest lecturer at Bastyr University in Seattle and the University of Rochester in New York. Most recently, she has consulted with the Stanford Biodesign Fellowship at Stanford University in California.

Where to Find Alyce:

There are only a FEW days left before the FDN course increases by $1000! Go to to catch the last of our events or if you want to talk to someone to secure your spot.