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While nnEMFs (non-native electromagnetic frequencies) have been a relevant topic in the world of natural medicine for a LONG time, nowadays, they are being discussed more so than ever before. Outside of the fact that we are rapidly increasing our exposure levels to these frequencies, the people who were formerly considered to be wearers of "tinfoil hats" finally have some solid evidence that these non-native frequencies are NOT as benign as we've been told.

In this episode of The Health Detective Podcast, Nicolas Pineault, AKA The EMF Guy, breakdown exactly what he has found after almost a decade of research into the study of nnEMFs and how they impact humans. Nicolas brings a refreshing take on nnEMFs, as he is not someone who comes across as overly paranoid, but yet he has still made significant changes to his lifestyle that he now helps others adopt, too.

We hope you enjoy this episode! All things FDN can be found at www.fdntraining.com/resources

Where to find Nicolas:

Website: https://theemfguy.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nickpineault/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickpineaultofficial/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/TheEMFGuy