Our guest today, Shawna O'neill, is a PERFECT example of why FDN was created.


Shawna has been in the accounting and IT space for over 30 years. She never set out to be a functional practitioner that would be helping others with their health challenges.


However, she started dealing with her own health challenges which eventually sparked her interest in alternative methods. And, like so many moms we interview, it was her own daughter's health issues that turned that interest into a legitimate passion and serious area of research. 


Due to a combination of her own dedication + FDN, Shawna has been able to make significant progress in her own health journey, and her daughter is doing much better, too (she's actually in the health space serving others as well).


So why is this episode a good example of why FDN was created? Because it allowed someone who had been in a separate career for decades to start something new while also tackling their own health issues. No $100,000 medical school loans, no 8+ years of college. Just exactly what you need to help people get well and stay well naturally all wrapped up into one single course.

In addition to FDN and her accounting background, Shawna has been a PATH Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor (Equine Therapy) for 18 years. She also received a graduate certificate in Nutrition Oncology from John Patrick University. 

Ready to make a career jump and do work you absolutely love? Try the FDN course completely free (no credit card required) at fdntraining.com/tryfdn.