Our guest today, Monica, is the perfect example of what's possbile with the FDN system. Over TWENTY-EIGHT years of health issues are currently 80% better after only learning about the most basic concepts of functional health under 3 years ago (it also helps that Monica is a total powerhouse, too).

Monica is an FDN-P who helps mindful people struggling with gut issues and anxiety find their food freedom, digestive and stress relief, so they feel relaxed and in control of their health.

Monica’s practice is rooted in simplicity and creativity, two things that helped her achieve better health. She struggled with severe SIBO, IBS, and anxiety. Monica tolerated her health issues while in NYC, striving to dance professionally and pay her bills by working in restaurants. After seven years of chronic stress, over-exercising, and multiple antibiotic treatments for SIBO (constantly relapsing), she changed course to become a health coach. The discovery of investigative health and holistic healing was helping her feel better for the first time in her life. She became an FDN-P, completed several courses by The SIBO Doctor, Dr. Jason Hawrelack, and the reality of health in our modern world began to sink in!

Through healing herself and now helping others, she has found that the key to healing the gut goes far beyond restrictive dieting and herbal supplements. She emphasizes stress reduction and environmental factors while using diet and supplement protocols as tools to support the “big picture” of healing. With Monica’s advanced background in movement, she incorporates creative movement and breathwork sessions that balance the nervous system, correct improper breathing, and reduce anxiety. It is a truly unique experience designed for sustainability, so people have the tools to take back control of their health.

You can find out more about Monica by going to www.betterhealthbymonica.com.

You can find out more about FDNthrive by going to www.fdnthrive.com

Get her book by clicking HERE!