Oh boy, do we have an episode for you today!

In this interview, we're speaking with Todd Erb, Founder and Director of Amenti Wellness.

If there was a way to describe Todd in a word, it'd be this: Brilliant.

Todd's health journey started very early on. At the age of 12, he was at one point playing on FOUR different travel basketball teams. In just 4 years, though, he'd find himself bedridden, and would finish out his high school career in that way. 

Left with nothing but misdiagnoses of both chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, Todd was on his own. This is where the brilliance comes in.

Rather than accept his fate, Todd took matters into his own hands. Having zero background in health or medicine, he got to work in his late teens, and would eventually get himself out of tragic situation he once found himself in. How'd he do it? Well, you'll just have to tune-in!

What Todd is up to now:

Todd is a Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner (FDN-P) through the Institute of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® with specializations & continued education in HPA-Axis Function & Hormone Metabolite Assessment and Correction, Microbiome Analysis & Correction, Methylation & Clinical Nutrigenomics, Organic Acids, & Systemic Detox.

Building on that foundation of biochemistry, Todd also incorporates various energetic modalities to balance out his work. As the former In-House NES Health™ Bio-Energetic Practitioner & Trainer, he had the privilege of training and learning from hundreds of practitioners of every modality. Todd blends this experience of modern energy medicine with it's ancient roots of Hermetic Alchemy, Qigong, Taoism, Eastern & Western Shamanism, Ayurveda, and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

You can find out more about Todd and his work by going to www.amentiwellness.com.

You can find out more about FDNthrive by going to www.fdnthrive.com.