Our guest today is Stephanie Center!

Stephanie was born and raised in a quiet and charming Chicago suburb. Since her youth, she's always been intrigued by health and wellness.

In college, she majored in kinesiology. She also fell deeply in love with bioenergetics (what happens to the body on a cellular level when it’s moving), and exercise psychology.

In June of 2018, she got really sick. She sought out specialist after specialist for about a year and a half. No one was able to help her, and her illness continued to get worse. She began to realize how broken our medical system really is.

Lets pause here, because this part is important!

She says, and we quote:

"I am a medical professional, and it took me being sick to recognize that the medical community does not (by training) treat root causes. The medical community issues medications to manage symptoms." End quote.

Stephanie became desperate. She did her own research and educated herself on lab values and differential diagnoses. This journey of research led her to functional medicine.

Tune into the episode to see how Stephanie turned her situation completely around!

You can find out more about Stephanie by going to www.theholistichouse.org.

To listen to her podcast, search for "The Daily Detox" on all major podcast platforms.
App mentioned: "Think Dirty"

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