In this episode, we're interviewing someone who brought the ENERGY, baby!

Her name is Mel Rogers, and she has an awesome story and impressive background.

About Mel:

Melanie Rogers is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, master Pilates trainer, former professional ballet dancer and holds a Masters degree in traditional Chinese Medicine.

She spent several years as an acupuncturist and herbalist in numerous multidisciplinary health clinics in New York City and San Diego.

Currently, Melanie coaches Pilates and functional health clients both virtually and inside a well-known human performance center, Fitness Quest 10 in Scripps Ranch, CA. She has over 20 years of experience training clients in the Pilates method including well-known elite pro athletes.

Melanie is passionate about empowering men and women to take sovereignty over their own health and to be an active participant in their own healing. She believes in the power of natural methods of bringing the body back to balance and urges everyone to seek out not only medical advice from their medical doctor to feel good, but to work with someone like herself to improve all areas of their health. She hopes that through her work she can help people heal, prevent illness and live thriving, energetic and joy filled lives!

Utilizing a functional health approach that includes ancient wisdom and science-based lab testing, she incorporates customized nutrition, targeted supplementation and needle moving lifestyle hacks to help people overcome unwanted symptoms and optimize their health.

You can find out more about Melanie by going to

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