Breast implants causing illness? Say WHAT?

Yup, you read that right. Our guest in this episode, Sarah Phillipe, shined so much light on this topic for us, and even told us about her own journey of dealing with breast implant illness. This is one you don't want to miss!

A little bit about Sarah:

Sarah has a passion for restoring health that has taken her along a path from RN, to becoming a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner, True Cellular Detox™ Practitioner, and Breast Implant Illness Expert. She believes the solution to Reversing Breast Implant illness is about more than just the explant and that we all need to take personal responsibility for restoring our health by addressing all of the root causes that contribute to chronic illness. It is Sarah’s believe that the body has an innate desire to heal if given what it needs, and she focuses on teaching women how to unlock that innate intelligence and heal themselves.

You can find out more about Sarah by going to

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