Laini Gray is a Functional Health Practitioner and Healthy Living Enthusiast. She has a Master’s Degree in Holistic Nutrition and is a Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. In addition, she is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer, CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach and Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach.  

She helps clients restore and rebuild health by investigating diet and lifestyle factors, as well as underlying hidden causes and stressors at the root of their complaints, symptoms and lack of well-being. As an FDN Practitioner, Laini uses functional lab tests which allow clients to take a deeper look at their health and uncover opportunities for healing in the underlying systems.  

Laini believes that having vibrant health and feeling good is the foundation of happiness. She helps her clients restore and rebuild health so they can reconnect with their natural, happy, energized state of being and get back to living a life they love.  

In her practice, she specializes in helping women take control of their hormone health by optimizing digestion, supporting detoxification, incorporating functional nutrition and healthy lifestyle practices.

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