All we can say is WOW!


It is crazy to us that we have made it all the way to episode two hundred of The Health Detective Podcast. During these past 2 years, we have talked to so many amazing people who have every background you can possibly imagine. From cancer diagnoses, to autoimmune diseases, to mental health challenges, to conditions which only a few people in the world deal with/have dealt with, we've shown that there seems to be very few limitations of what is possible when it comes to addressing health challenges from a more functional perspective.


For this special episode, we decided to take the best advice from all of our guests throughout the last 2 years. How did we do this exactly? If you're a regular listener of the show, you'll know that our signature question on The Health Detective Podcast is, "If you could get everyone in this world to do one thing for their health, what is the one thing you would get them to do?" Episode #200 is a collection of our guest's answers to that exact question.


The really fun part? Put all together, the answers exceeded the time we'd typically like to spend on one episode. That means that we have a few episodes of dense, nerdy episodes coming your way!


We hope you enjoy this series, and thank you so much for your support in getting the show this far. We are excited for many, many more episodes to come.


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