In this episode, we are talking to Justine Altman!

Justine teaches people how to find & eliminate root causes for their symptoms so they can get well and stay well naturally. She believes that you absolutely have the power to be as fit, energetic, and pain-free as you want to be.

Before she learned the how to identify & address internal imbalances, she says she was a miserable shell of a human. She suffered from severe belly pain, migraines that lasted months at a time, zero energy, intense neck and back pain, and anxiety attacks so scary that she thought every night was her last. She was overweight and infertile and her outlook was dismal.
She had numerous doctors specializing in numerous areas of medicine and nobody could figure out what was wrong with her. All her blood tests came back normal. She didn’t know that the foods she was eating were all wrong for her body chemistry. She needed better sleep habits. She needed to detox. She needed to relax. The kind of exercise she was doing was doing more harm than good.

Once she learned how to become a health detective, she found out how to give her body exactly what it needs, and nothing it doesn’t. The trick is using general health principles as a starting point and making modifications to tailor the protocol to your own unique biology.

The solution is so simple and the results are life changing!

Today she wakes up feeling rested, she feels good all day long, she's slim, she's fertile, and she LOVES LIFE!

You can find out more about Justine at 

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