Jay Light (The Comedy Store, Comedy Central's Roast Battle) has had some challenges at work, but that doesn't stop him from trying. He's been yelled at by baseball dads, taught kids who almost died how to swim (sort of), and finally figured out how to boss people once he got a job as a door guy at The Comedy Store in LA. Nick and Chase stumble upon a job opportunity to make 1 million dollars in a year, and Jay thinks it too good of an offer to pass up. Also, the boys read one whole page from The Velveteen Rabbit. Yes, thanks to coronavirus, craigslist has gottenTHAT weird.

PLUS! A write-in from Travis, who has been laid off two weeks more than you, GUARANTEED!


Follow Jay on Instagram: @dietjay

Follow Jay on Twitter: @dietjay

Check out Jay's Podcast: Blockbusting




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