Publicist and all-around fangirl of things, A.J. Feuerman (@AJFeuerman) is here to discuss her longstanding love for the weird Shakespearean sex farce, A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. This bonkers play is not-so-secretly about women's choices and agency, with a nice dash of romance and sisterly bonds. It's so, so much more than Puck.

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In ancient Athens, two men and two women are in a battle of love. Hermia is in love with Lysander, but her father, Egeus, wants her to marry Demetrius. Demetrius was partnered with Hermia's best friend, Helena, until Egeus offered him a different deal. Local leader Theseus, on the eve of his own wedding to the Amazon warrior Hippolyta, declares Hermia to do as her father wishes, so Hermia and Lysander escape to the woods, to travel to his grandmother's house to get married. Meanwhile, faerie king Oberon wants to play a trick on his wife, Titania, so he orders his minion Puck to drug her to make her fall in love with the first thing she sees– hopefully the monstrous Bottom, a weaver who has been turned into a donkey. In addition to drugging Titania, Puck messes up and drugs Lysander and Demetrius in succession, making them both fall in love with Helena, leaving Hermia alone and confused. The play resolves in typical Shakespearean comedy fashion– with weddings. But who will be wedded to whom? 

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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