Hill Country Pregnancy Care Center is all about FAMILY! Last fall, we met Will and his partner Mia. They had their 6-year-old son in tow. Will was excited to be a new resident in Boerne and a bit surprised to find out that he and Mia were expecting a new baby. Mia started prenatal [...]

Hill Country Pregnancy Care Center is all about FAMILY! Last fall, we met Will and his partner Mia. They had their 6-year-old son in tow.

Will was excited to be a new resident in Boerne and a bit surprised to find out that he and Mia were expecting a new baby. Mia started prenatal classes with her advocate, Karen, but was very sick in her first months of pregnancy and had a difficult time. As she began to feel better, she resumed additional classes, including a Bible study. As Karen and Mia studied together, it was evident Mia’s knowledge of the Bible began to grow as did her excitement to learn more of God’s plan.

Even though this was their 2nd baby, Will also enrolled in our Dr. Dad classes (typically aimed at new fathers). Despite his very busy work schedule, he faithfully completed his Dr. Dad sessions and reached out to inquire if there were additional classes he could take. Kirk Riggs, Fatherhood Program Coordinator, had this to share:

“Asking me if I have more classes is like asking me if I want dessert. ‘Yes!’ I told him we have parenting, marriage, and life skills classes and asked what would most help him currently. Will discovered our classes on personal finance, budgeting, and good money management. He continues to engage in those classes and meets weekly with his advocate, Don, to discuss the material. Will often brings his son, and while Will is meeting for class, his son has explored the center’s grounds and spent time drawing superheroes. My drawing skills are abysmal, but a 6-year-old just likes sharing their lives with you and he doesn’t care what the picture looks like.”

We are excited to see Mia and Will grow, and we are privileged to walk with them as they diligently seek God’s best for the family.

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