Our first episode. For those listening in release order, this might appear confusing coming right after the trailer episode "Who We Are and What We Do". We recorded this podcast for a year before creating the trailer, but since there was still a good discussion regarding ideal discourse, we figured it made the most sense to release this episode anyway.

Please forgive the poor quality audio. We've gotten a lot better since we first started. Enjoy the very beginning of our journey together!

Sincerest apologies to Mr. Grey, for butchering your channel name.

CGP Grey on changing your mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlsU_YT9n_g

Magnabosco Example of Ideal Discourse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5tjfvPysSI

CGP Grey on coffee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTVE5iPMKLg


If you have suggestions for future show topics or just want to let us know what you think, you can reach us via the following methods:

- Email: [email protected]

- Anchor: https://anchor.fm/fauxlosophers

Fauxlosophers is supported by viewers like you. If you feel inclined to donate, you can do so through any of the following platforms:

- Patreon: https://patreon.com/fauxlosophers

- PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=2485EFPHC8MNY

Fauxlosophers is released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Copying, redistribution, and derivation of this podcast are permitted provided appropriate credit is given.