Whenever we read John's Gospel, we are reading multiple layers of meaning. There is the historical-literal level that gives an historical account of something that Jesus said or did. But underneath that level is a deeper level that has a profound, spiritual meaning. This can certainly be said of John 13: the account of the Last Supper. This perspective gives us the story of Jesus's washing the feet of the disciples. Peter doesn't want to let Jesus touch this soiled, smelly part of his body. Yet he acquiesces, as Jesus tells him, "Unless I wash you, you will have no inheritance with me." This leads us into the spiritual level... the washing is not just a service performed in charity and humility but also points to the washing in blood that Jesus is going to accomplish on the Cross. So Jesus washes their feet as a sign pointing to the service that He is offering them and that they must except: The cleansing of the soul by being washed in his blood -- accepting baptism and the forgiveness of sins.