Show Notes

Lord of Scoundrels has its own wikipedia page, which in case you're curious, is kind of unusual.

If you haven't listened to our episode on Dreaming of You, what are you waiting for?

Maybe you want to find out what you first ordered in your Amazon account.

Jessica Trent is not a Mary Sue.

Erin from Heaving Bosoms is famous for not liking epilogues, but it's a pretty good reason why. But prologues are fine.

You've been lawyered is from How I Met Your Mother.

Sarah wrote the prologue to a new edition of The Transformation of Philip Jettan.

Maybe watch out when taking DNA tests. Or not.

Stronzo! And maybe some more if you're interested.

Love's Sweet Arrow is a romance-only bookstore in the Chicago suburbs. It's awesome.

Gentle Rogue started too late.

More about Russian religous icons, but maybe you want to buy some.

The gloves scene in the Age of Innocence movie. All that repressed longing from Daniel Day Lewis! In the book, it's this chapter where Newland Archer "bent over, unbuttoned her tight brown glove, and kissed her palm as if he had kissed a relic."

All about Beelzebub.

If you want to know about demon seals and the Wroth brothers, then listen to season one of Fated Mates.

What does it even mean to dance a waltz in the Continental style? Probably not this Continental-style.

The Beverly Jenkins book where the heroine shoots the hero is Tempest.

Reading the banns and a list of people who were married at Saint George Hanover Square.

You'll be shocked to know that Jen has some theories about internal vs. external conflict.

When they're at the wrestling match, Dain says his friend could have "stayed comfortably at home and pumped his wife."

She Walks in Beauty Like the Night is a glorious poem, but that doesn't make Byron any less of a scumbag. That Ada Lovelace was Byron's daughter is kind of wild, but we're glad she's known for being her own person. Despite Sarah trying to create an authorship question for Byron, that's not really a thing. There's no such person as the Duke of Summerville. Jen just made that up.

If you're interested in The Romantics, you can find Jen's old college syllabus here. Lots of Wordsworth, but no Bryon, which is just fine. But we still love the way Loretta Chase used Don Juan in the text of Lord of Scoundrels.

Friend of the pod Adriana Herrera has been reading Lord of Scoundrels for the first time and her tweets about it are honestly the most amazing thing.

Maybe you want to buy some romancelandia buttons or some of Sarah's t-shirts.

Coming up next on December 11, 2019, Indigo by Beverly Jenkins

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