[audio http://archive.org/download/SleepyHollowThisIsWar/sleepyheartless.mp3] On this episode of Fat Pink Cast, The birth of the #AbbieMillsDeservesBetter tag. “These two freeloaders are chillin in Abbie’s daddy’s cabin.” “I would be really angry if they did redeem Henry at this point–after all the shit he’s put Irving through, all the shit he’s put Abbie through, all the shit he’s put […]

[audio http://archive.org/download/SleepyHollowThisIsWar/sleepyheartless.mp3]

On this episode of Fat Pink Cast,

The birth of the #AbbieMillsDeservesBetter tag.

“These two freeloaders are chillin in Abbie’s daddy’s cabin.”

“I would be really angry if they did redeem Henry at this point–after all the shit he’s put Irving through, all the shit he’s put Abbie through, all the shit he’s put Jenny through.”

“This episode reminded me of Sailor Moon.”

“Clearly she was gon’ get killed, her name was Becky.”

“Abbie needs permission to date a flop now?”

“I’d like to propose a drinking game–we should take a sip every time Ichabod and Katrina say ‘thank you’ to Abbie.” “Ha, we’d be sober.”

“At the end of the day, when it comes to Katrina as a character, I’m just angry they’re straight up writing her with the most sexist tropes ever.”

“It’d have been hilarious if they had Katrina in a snuggy at the beginning of the episode.”

“I think, just because the writers have Abbie saying what they want the audience to feel because she represents the audience, doesn’t mean we’re actually gonna buy it, especially when you just showed Abbie doing all the work. It’s really incongruous. You can’t force people to believe something about a character that you haven’t shown to be true.”

“Fly off into the sky on a dragon, far far away from all these terrible white people.”

Here’s what you missed last time around:

Sleepy Hollow: Deliverance

We pray that someone delivers us from this slump.

What’s up next:

Prepare your tissues, we’re reviewing Mama, the episode so many of us have been waiting for. We’ll be tracking the entire season of Sleepy Hollow and ringing in the midseason break with a very special Outlander episode!

As always, you can always catch us on our tumblr or on itunes under Fat Pink Cast: Sleepy Pink Cast!