Just walking and talking.
Still my purpose is this:
I want to support people, who are brave to face the collapse of our biosphere, to be aware how precious life is and not to be alone.

So I have accepted the challenge to talk English in a free and I hope more fluent way. And I didn’t edit the recording. So you’ll hear all my “hms” and “ähs”. But I guess that disturbs me more than you.

more on: https://fasterthanexpected.one/fte26

How do you like my new podcast format?
Just walking and talking.
Still my purpose is this:
I want to support people, who are brave to face the collapse of our biosphere, to be aware how precious life is and not to be alone.

So I have accepted the challenge to talk English in a free and I hope more fluent way. And I didn’t edit the recording. So you’ll hear all my “hms” and “ähs”. But I guess that disturbs me more than you.

more on: https://fasterthanexpected.one/fte26