Hear an excerpt from the 2018 Lamplighter Guild featuring pastor/teacher Colin Smith. Using the language of poetry, Psalm 1 paints a masterful picture of two types of life - the life of the happy (Ashar) and the path of the wicked (Rasha). It is a reminder that what you choose to surround yourself with WILL influence you - either towards true happiness or wickedness.

Have you ever been tempted to stray from the path of life and wander even a few steps down the road of the wicked? David Aspinall learns just how life-altering those steps can be. Hear his story in Lamplighter Theatre's dramatic presentation of The Wanderer.


The views and opinions expressed in this podcast do not necessarily reflect the beliefs and mission of Lamplighter Ministries. Our standard is the Bible, and we encourage listeners to always test everything heard in this podcast against the truths of Scripture.