Aloha sisters! I want to share with you what it means to have a CREATIVE business.


I’m not trying to be funny, but you can create and have whatever kind of business you want and that’s the beauty of a creative business.

I can almost guarantee that you love to create beauty and there’s something so

magical about that and sometimes it’s hard to explain because it’s just what you do. 

These are a short list of what it means:

it’s where you put your heart and soul you use your God-given creative gifts and put something that you create out into the world It’s something that you care about deeply and it comes from your heart and you create something that’s special to you It expresses a part or all of who you are and your core values It’s fulfilling where you wake up everyday feeling excited about your life and what you’re creating you bring to life what exists in the spiritual and bring it into the physical world where you are serving other people for free and in exchange for money you can decide how many hours you want to work you decide who you’re going to serve what it’s going to look like how much time you want to spend in and on your business.

Are you ready for a business coach?

If yes, send me an email at [email protected]
and let’s get started!

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Music by: The late-Dennis Pavao
Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album:  Wale No
Produced By:  Pilialoha Production